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Old 2007-08-11, 01:32   Link #18
Resident cynic
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Salinas, CA
Age: 36
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Romance, sadly, also often has little to do with Viability as well. Its happened all throughout history and literature. Just because SuzukuxKallen does develop doesn't mean that it will follow and logic, or really get anywhere. Remember that the basest human instinct is to survive to have children, and, if necessary, one can...beget children in about 5 minutes. My point is that logic and romance have NEVER, EVER gone hand in hand (ok, maybe somtimes, but as a rule, don't expect romance to be logical). Considering that this is Code Geass, and we're dealing with romance, anything could happen. We could end up with some particularly bizarre pairings. So don't immediately rule out KallenxSuzuku (even though I personally don't support it).
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