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Old 2007-08-17, 16:25   Link #12
Gundam Zero Force
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Seattle, WA
Age: 37
My view of something may be diffrent from your view but when it comes to lusting somebody do we not tend to judge them by the way they look. If we are selves cannot stand the way we look then why judge somebody else. Are humans that shallow as to judge themselves when someone else can say the same for them.
What do you think about the way people treat others by there appearance rather than personality.
I am a little confused by what you mean exactly, but as far as appearances go, I try not to make a big deal out of it. If I don't know someone, and I judge them by how they look, and I don't even know how they act yet then I am already messing up. I know a lot of people at my college who care so much about looks and it drives me crazy. They talk about people behind their back (who they don't even know) and judge them by the way they look.
Looks are not everything! Everyone thinks if someone looks great then all will go well but that is a lie. If you hang around them enough and they are mean and don't give a rip about you then the good looks they have are useless. I see someone who is good looking AND nice as a bonus. But the way we look is most of the time what we got (unless you do stuff like plastic surgery or whatever) so I try not to judge people on something they cannot change. People can change the way they act, but most of the time people cannot change how they look . . . . that's my 2 cents . . .
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