Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2007-08-21, 23:54   Link #2627
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Originally Posted by Matrim View Post
Seconded. Although Maria-sama ga miteru seems to be pretty popular with the male audience, maybe it's because one knows what to expect from the start. Simoun starts with a bang, a lot of air combat in the first episode, fanservice galore and then it switches to character study, worldbuilding and rather short battles.
To be fair, the success of Maria-sama ga Miteru seemed to have caught everyone offguard. Studio Deen was basically making a version of Oniisama E with less melodrama; and it would have made sense if it appealed to a similar audience. Instead, it seemed to have managed to catch an otaku audience and spawned a subgenre of similar-themed shows.

On the other hand, I think that Simoun joins a long list of other excellent shows which have a relatively weak opening episode. On a rewatch, it's quite good, but it can be very off-putting to new viewers.

Originally Posted by darthfury78 View Post
I now feel that the writers of the series were trying to aim towards the Straight, Lesbian, Gay, and Transgender market with this series from within the Yuri subtext. To put everthing into one aspect is certainly enough to put off a lot of people. But nevertheless, Simoun should make a come back in some fashion.
I don't think that it's true. If the creators were trying to appeal to any one (or all) of these audiences, they could have easily made changes that would have contributed to that. However, it seemed as if they were much more concerned with telling exactly the story they intended to tell. The end result of such an approach is that they gave us an excellent show that's quite different from the other anime out there. On the downside, this difference also means that it's stuck with a relatively small audience and will never be much of a commercial success.

Originally Posted by darthfury78 View Post
This revised concept would be acceptable to viewers and non-viewers alike. And it might get more viewers to watch the series without bring turned off by the transgendered issues that plagued the series. Any comments to my suggestion?
It also will be extremely different from the Simoun that we got. I don't think that this would be a good exchange.

Besides, these fans are making an incorrect assumption. Simoun isn't really about transgender themes at all; instead, it uses the sex-decision as a device to explore the themes of growing up and the dichotomy between adults and children.
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