Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2007-08-22, 00:32   Link #2628
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2007
Regardless to my opinions, I certainly hope Simoun might return as an alternate universe version or a prequel, that would feature Amuria and Eri as part of the main cast lineup. For a bunch of minor characters who only appeared once or twice, they certainly made a lasting impression on me.

I was quite happy of the outcome of the girls choice of gender, which
I was quite satisfied with overall: The majority "Female" choice. I
only wish that the same could have been applied to Eri.

I have to admit that I am not a fan of Yuri anime at all. Simoun was
an exception because I read about it in the Anime magazine. I checked
for the series information on the character lineup when I came across
Eri's profile to learn that she was give the "Male" gender. So I look
up everything that I could find about this character. Only to find
out that she only appeared in the first two episodes, and was written
out of the storyline. When I read the summary for episode 2, I
couldn't help but feel sorry that the choice of gender was not that
of her own choosing. She was undecided as to which gender to have.
But I felt that she was seriously leaning towards the Female gender.
The Male gender was just a thought to her. But it would have been a
superficial choice if she had picked it, since she looked like a girl
who didn't want to leave her comfort zone. Nevertheless, a choice was
made for her. And the results were tragic for her, as she has to live
with this forced decision for the rest of her life as a man. She
might have been happier if the Female gender was given to her.

Were it not for episode 2, I certainly wouldn't be posting my thoughts
about Simoun. But at least they brought Erij back into the fold once
again, and might have come to terms with his new life. But I still
believe that he still sees himself as Eri, the girl he once was and
would die to get the chance to undo the curse that was placed upon
him so that he could pick the "Female" gender that was denied to him.

Sorry for the long chat. I just needed to get this out. While Simoun
is not in the same category as Naruto or Salor Moon, it has that
potential if unleased. And I rarely give such recommendations.

Last edited by darthfury78; 2007-08-22 at 00:45.
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