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Old 2007-08-22, 17:43   Link #7199
An Hero in Disguise
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Currently - Germany
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Wibbles View Post
Okay. Here's the first draft of the profile of Miria Hasser (Riot-2).

Name: Miria Hasser
Sex: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: December 12
Homeworld: Midchilda
Relatives: None alive
Occupation/Rank: TSAB, Private
Unit: Section 6
Code Name: Riot-2
Mage Rank: B
Magic Type: Mid-Childa
Magic Circle Color: Blue
Favored Element: Water/Ice
Height: Around 5'6
Weight: About 110lbs
Hair: Long and blue
Eye Color: Purple
Build: Willowy
Personality: Gentle, stubborn (unforgiving and ruthless while playing cards).

Device Name: Aurora Weave
Device Appearance: Scepter
Barrier Jacket: Yet to be determined

Background: Miria is an orphan. All that is known about her past is her birthday, the intelligent device that was left with her, and her name (I’m too lazy to think of a background right now). She joined the TSAB at an early age, and eventually was noticed by Hayate. She joined the Riot force as a healing and support mage.

Overall, Miria is composed and demure. She is well-liked by all, and has never gotten in trouble with her superiors. On a side note, she is infamously RUTHLESS in card games.
Hard to say anything yet except that her mage rank is modest enough Will be waiting for more.

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Regarding h4xx - I can assure everybody that during OutcastS there'll be some changes to my OCs probably moving me away from h4xx boundary for good Some will also take other factors into account (like the fact if/when/how I get a hold of AT) though.

- - -

BTW thread passed 100.000 views count

Last edited by An Hero in Disguise; 2007-08-22 at 18:01.
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