Thread: Licensed Simoun
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Old 2007-08-23, 08:12   Link #2637
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by darthfury78
Based upon the response to my comments, I now believe that Simoun might be a huge hit in the U.S., especially if Adult Swim picks it up for its evening lineup. They are certainly known for that. They might be enough support for the creators to do a second season on the same format.
I doubt it. Simoun has almost no chance of being any kind of hit in the U.S., and the Cartoon Network would have almost no interest in this kind of show. Simoun's story is quite complete already, so there's also no real need for a second season.

Originally Posted by Iskandar Taib View Post
And that first episode weak??? Surely you jest. It was one of the most attention grabbing first episodes I've ever come across. I must've watched it four or five times, constantly rewinding and freeze-framing just so I could figure out what happened. There are so many characters, and a lot of the time you couldn't see them (only the Simoun they were in), so I couldn't figure out what had happened to whom until I'd rewatched it thoroughly.
The first episode was weak largely because of what you just wrote. It was extremely busy, yet the attention seemed to be more on the Argentum attackers rather than the sibyllae. Furthermore, the creators made little attempt to give any context to the introduction of the characters or the unusual technologies shown. Most watchers aren't willing to rewatch an episode (and the first episode at that) multiple times just to understand what was going on.
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