Thread: Licensed Kurau: Phantom Memory
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Old 2007-08-24, 21:40   Link #196
Fighter Volk
Thanks sakurabatou @ LJ
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: NYC
I just finished the series (I've had it on fansub for ages) today, and it was kinda shocking to reach the end (following the comments on this thread from those who followed the raws) and see just two or three disparaging comments about the ending and that's it. Even Yebyosh didn't comment... poor unappreciated series! I loved it myself, and I was content with the ending - I guess I was enjoying the series for different reasons than everyone else, as I thought a lot of it was really good. Everyone agrees that the early episodes were heartwarming and quite beautiful - I feel the same - and though yes, there were moments that the story got too repetitive or dragged a bit, there were many more that I found totally awesome. One of my favorite episodes is still the early one in which Kurau goes to that factory and it starts raining as she realizes she's surrounded by GPO troops, then with her escape and return to Christmas... Then the moon base infilitartion part was stellar, too. I *really* got into it by the end, and couldn't stop watching once the Yvone arc started (I think I watched 14-24 all today). The ending was wonderful, too.

I honestly think BONES did a great job here (and I guess this is appropriate seeing as I was actually the one who started this thread!). Too bad so few people agree with me.
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