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Old 2007-09-06, 10:55   Link #397
the figure in the mirror
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: englnd, hull
Age: 30
quite recently i have begun reading the 'saint of dragons'. i have read the first of the 2 so far and am about a 4th throught the second.
it is about a family called the saint georges. the main caharacter simon was abandond as a baby and lived in a lighthouse bording school until he was about 12 or 13. later on his real dad has found him and is talking about slaying dragons and what not. later on while tracking down the white white dragon "the main evil" they meet a young woman who is also later on found out to be the last magicain in the world.
the twist about the dragons is they can look like as a they please. but as they walk about bugs follow them and also there magic weakens for a split second where you can see there true form. it ends with a GIANT fight agaisnt dragon and dragon and the saint gorges.
they are great books and highly recomend for them to be read.
the discripton is amazing and the relation ships between charaters in brilliant.

the saint of dragons
by jason hightman
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