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Old 2007-09-10, 02:11   Link #779
So Like A Rose
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Foxglove
Age: 36

Originally Posted by Quzor View Post
*blinks**rubs eyes* *blinks* Whew, forgot to blink while I was reading...and a nice read it was...a few thoughts;

An interesting twist...It makes me very curious...
What about her skills as a medical nin? I assume (with relative certainty) that she has high level healing ability, but what special healing techniques does she posses (Tsunade's ability to create new tissue/cells, Chiyo giving life energy vs. chakra)? I'm very curious to see what particular healing skills she will possess

Is he just a complete dick about it, or is this one of those "charming asshole" situations? I think it'd be kinda funny if he was just a jerk (maybe that's bad )

What's not quoted isn't there because I really enjoyed it, and had nothing to say. I can't believe you just create these mind doesn't really work that way I guess. I'm curious to see what "TBA" skills your incomplete characters are given. Like it a lot, keep up the good work.
Thank you, I am humbled by everyone's comments and believe me it is a driving force in my conitinued work. My mind is very complex and I don't even understand it sometimes, but when it gets going there ain't no stopping it lol.

As for Hishegami, I listed her TBA for now because I wasn't (still not) quite sure at the moment what exactly her area of degree falls on. She WILL have the ability to restore herself rather quickly like Kabuto, and will eventually (soon) have more advanced jutsus in the area of Tsunade/Chiyo for use at the expense of energy/tons of chakra that will most likely exaust her at the end.

Tanzou is actually a shy boy, though he won't admit it. Yes he will be a jerk in some instances but mainly it is his quiet discontent and nonchalant replies that leave the "asshole!" idea in everyone's minds.

By the way my Naruto Raiu (official fan fic title) Chapter 1 is available at my naruto fanfiction site for viewing, so anyone who is interested in checking it out and learning more about our heroin can do so by going here:

Chapter 2 "Risu-Senpi's Secret Trick!" will be posted tomorrow sometime I suspect. Also I have some semi-spoilers for the clan "Hakumei," which I am going to post as though a bilingualist were translating from Japanese scanlation lol (to add intrigue)

Chapter Brief Hakumei plot outline:
The setting for the hideout is a dark and long cavern (not cave, as there is water). Several large widescreens are implanted on the rockface of the center of the cavern, the screen all display the bartones until one goes static and a silhouette of a person's visage appears (it is the master.) "It has been twelve months so far..." Then one by one nine more screens static/flicker on with other sihoulettes. "That was fast it seems almost like yesterday we were researching the kages." (says Fei). "So when do we get to put all of this 'power' to use eh?" (says Yami (Yami/Ranpu). "Soon enough, impatience is not an asset." (Taikimi). "What about the pre-hosts? What'll be done with them?" (Kuren asks). "They will be removed as though they never existed." (Master). "So now that we're all ready, what shall our first target be?" (Misame). "Kumogakure..." (Saizou). "That is...was your home eh, Taikimi?" (Yami(Yami-Ranpu). "......" (Taikimi). " We have exactly 'five' coffins, and the statue can copy up to two at a time without overloading..." (Master). The scene pans to show a large monolith statue of a human bearing three serpents, one in each hand and one on his shoulder. Below it shows five empty caskets alligned in a circle before the foot of the statue. "Uchiha Sakuyu, and Hoshihana Misame shall take Kumogakure..." (Master). "Do we need the Shichidaime?" (Misame asks). "No, the 'living' kages will not suffice." (Master). The other members are silent and think. "Meeting ajourned!" (Master). One by one all of the screens fade to black then return to the bartones.

More profiles, stories, and jutsus to come!

UPDATE: My "Naruto Raiu" Chapter 2 is now up on the TONFA naruto fic site you can view it here:
Formerly KurayamiLeader

Last edited by Sakuranbo; 2007-09-10 at 16:33.
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