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Old 2007-09-19, 03:19   Link #34
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 67
A poll for an ensemble cast like this is a bit wierd... its like asking which pieces you like best out of a 20 piece jigsaw puzzle.

Ah well.... I went with:
Kagamin --- because I just had to.
Misao --- surprise characterization and voice acting of the series for me. o my god that voice!
Tsukasa --- for cellphones, balsamic vinegar, seashells, and mayo.
Konata --- because every Kagamin needs a Konata, otherwise the comedy duo can't happen.

and lastly, Nanako --- because that is one damn fine bit of cake... dammit.
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