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Old 2007-09-27, 12:22   Link #78
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Everyone is going to have a different opinion about this its only natural. This was not a typical romance genre even though if you look at the OP its meant to be misleading. I really cant say that i can think of any other anime to compare to School Days. IMO it had great potential but quickly fell to the deepest darkest parts of hell the way SD started has a great set up for something meaningful and just became a pile of random crap that put in a pot swirled and around and poured out for viewers to watch. If someone can actually give a real explanation on how this is best romance ever i will you give all the props in the world.

I seriously did not see the need for as gruesome deaths as were portrayed. Sekai stabbing Makoto fine i can live with that because we have seen it many times before its not that much of shocker. But what transpired afterwards was not needed, and only put the nail in the coffin for a mediocre show to begin with and made it even more tasteless.

WTF how can people call this the best romance ever I will argue that fact till the end of time. If best means a repetitive story about someone sleeping with lots of people being indecisive and a coward that leads to death then i screw the genre. It takes more talent to create a show where the main character is hated and screws up a lot then manges to redeem him self then to just kill him off. Hell you can randomly kill characters in any story its freakin easy. I respect other peoples opinion but i feel majority of viewers have at least some standards but maybe i am putting too much faith in my fellow man.

Sorry Vallen Chaos Valiant I just cant agree with you on that. There are number of reasons where anything Katsura says at this point can not be taken literally the most important being her state of mind. She has loss sight of reality and make believe from her perspective everything can be a lie. second there is noway that an untrained person using the methods Katsura did could know if she was really pregnant or not. I agree that they were all flawed people as we all are. But knowing that she is flawed how can you take her word for anything?
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