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Old 2007-09-28, 10:54   Link #432
Julius Firefocht
Senior Member
Join Date: Apr 2006
See, I was looking for blood in this season. I expected blood in Nanoha StrikerS, but that did not deliver as well as I thought it should. Where did I get my fix from? A damned harem anime of all places.

We have waited 13 weeks for this. The rivers shall flow with the blood of Makoto!

Ok, I was half-joking. Sekai's slaying of that slug was immensely satisfying, but I found myself much more impressed by Kotonoha's killing and subsequent disembowelment of Sekai. I am surprised that Kotonoha can fight and move so quickly, especially considering the additional "bulk" she has compared to Sekai. Opening Sekai up to check for her baby was a nice touch, and it is definitely something that will not be forgotten in animedom anytime soon.

Either way, the adulterous couple is dead, and my favourite character Kotonoha claims the final victory. A fine ending indeed!

By the way, whoever thought up of the "Nice Boat" meme ought to go for psychic tests. That was some accurate prediction right there.
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