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Old 2007-10-01, 17:54   Link #19
Kairin-chan's #1 Fan
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Canada
I actually believe that 9/11 was done by the US. If you think "oh but they'd never do something like that!" I beg to differ. They drop 2 atomic bombs killing hundreds of thousands of innocents. Think they would care about killing 3000?

Secondly, you know how massive the towers are? You expect me to believe that jet fuel magically heated the building into collapsing on itself, when fire has NEVER caused a steel building to collapse. Even the fact that a plane sliced into it (at the top btw) shouldn't have caused a fucking FREE FALL of the building. It went down in what? 10 seconds? Thats impossible unless it had no resistance from the floors below it.

Dont get me started on the Pentagon. A little hole for a massive plane hitting, flying 400mphs only meters of the ground, not knocking down electric poles. On top of that, making a 260 degree turn at 400mph in mid-air (even the best pilots on earth wouldnt attempt that, you want to tell me some arab terrorist with very basic flight experience pulled it off perfectly?). Then it crashes into the part thats under renovation instead of holding its course and hitting cheney's office. Yeah that makes total sense.

On top of THAT, the government instead of leaving the debris at the WTC, they IMMEDIATELY (Like the next day) start clean up. Um excuse me? But that was a crime scene. You dont start moving shit, putting it on barges to be recycled unless you're trying to hide something.

And they talked about pulling building 7 (which pulling means to control demolition it). How could they have placed charges in only 6 hours? Controlled demos take months of planning. and these guys did it in 6 hours? Give me a break. The explosives were obviously there already for that to have happened so fast. The building wasn't even badly damaged yet they had to demolish it?

I can go on but my food is getting cold.

People should trust science and physics, not their emotions when it comes to this stuff.
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