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Old 2007-10-02, 11:55   Link #668
阿賀野型3番艦、矢矧 Lv180
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Join Date: Mar 2006
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Age: 37
Originally Posted by VicViper_Mk2 View Post
First of all, after finish watching the final episode. I started to think: who wins in the end? Makoto gets killed by his supposed beloved sekai, and she ended up dead by the hands of kotonoha, all for kotonoha holding on makoto's head while sailing to beyond. for who for what?
it is a "loss/loss/temporary win then loss" condition, that's how i see it.
Obviously, the 2 dead characters are leaving with regrets and many time they could spend elsewhere than afterlife
Kotonoha is sure "happy", but we don't know if her "insanity" which keeps her in her dream will keeps going.
Also, There are high chances she will die in her trip, as she doesn't seem sane enough to take care of herself, so in such condition, she will die.
And even if she survives, she will be either in jail or certainly in a asylum.
second, i heard that there was an uncut final episode aired by someone i forgot the name of it, in this uncut version, it is said that blood is red instead of black, shows the actual stabbing instead of flashback, and shows the head of makoto in the bag and probably kotonoha holding it. A few gripes i had after learning this.
That's what people claimed for the special screening done my 0verflow, the company responsible for the game. We will see with the release of the last DVD, as DVD are most likely uncut.
why black for blood? No matter how i look at it, black just makes it look like oil, its like telling us they're androids; heck they might as well changes it to green and tell us they're aliens. my point is, why give such an misconception to us? If they think its violent to show red blood, why not just show none (but that probably is too unrealistic)
You answered your own question: turning the blood into black "lessen" the impact as they are not "like us".
Of course, people clearly know they are humans and it is a violent death with blood. But the sole "annoyance" of the black blood from the watchers prove the censorship works somehow. TV stations are forced in some regulations, and various lobby groups can attack because they judge something too violent/gore or explicit. Therefore, censorship is used so they can air it.

of course, i won't comment how TRUELY useful censorship is
about the stabbing and showing the head. You got a person killing another, then gets killed by another. its got violent written all over it, why not go all the way?
I didn't get your question
Finally, after the credit rolls, we see various scenes of school life and minor character like taisuke, otome, etc. Does this have some kind of special meaning in it? its almost like they're not aware of the existance of makoto, sekai and kotonoha.
We don't know when this scene happens. Even after such atrocities, life goes on, so does the school life. Even after some weeks or months, it is possible that such situation can be turned back to normal, especially if the persons aren't that involved in the incidents.
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