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Old 2007-10-10, 13:33   Link #247
Kaoru Chujo
Yuuki Aoi
Join Date: Jul 2004
For the first few minutes, I thought this was becoming a show I could drop. Then Koshimizu Ami (Nanaka) came centre stage and everything changed. Absolutely wonderful performance. I almost thought she was Kuwashima Houko for a minute there -- and that's about the highest praise I can give.

Amisuke is celebrating her sixth anniversary as a seiyuu this month, since her debut as Nadja in Ashita no Nadja. She recently wrote in her blog (in a bit of a panic) that she had somehow lost her high voice and could only use a deeper one. Well, that deeper one works beautifully. She just has to forget about playing little girls like Nadja, I guess.

I also found myself accepting and even enjoying Kaneda Tomoko's piercing voice as Aoi. Maybe just because Aoi is such a charming character. True dojikko moe.

When Tamura Yukari and Koyasu Takehito are the sidekicks, you know you've got a good seiyuu cast. Boy, do I love both of their voices. Yukarin just makes such a perfect tomboy, with her open-sounding voice.

And the other love rival, Asami, is played by Nakahara Mai. Hardly chopped liver herself. I have confidence, however, that Nanaka will win out, since Amisuke's name is higher on the cast list and Nanaka is more prominent on the posters, lol.
YUUKI Aoi 悠木碧. b92.03.27 (age 29). 2008 Kurenai (Murasaki). 2009 Yumeiro Pâtissière (Ichigo), Kiruminzuu (Riko), Yutori-chan (Yutori-chan). 2010 Vampire Bund (Mina Tepeş), Shiki (Sunako), Samurai Girls (Juubee), Pokémon: Black and White (Iris). 2011 Madoka Magica (Madoka), Gosick (Victorique), A-Channel (Tooru). 2012 Symphogear (Hibiki). 2014 Pilot's Love Song (Claire/Nina), Nanatsu no Taizai (Diane). 2015 Owari no Seraph (Krul Tepes), Rokka no Yuusha (Fremy). 2016 Boku no Hero Academia (Tsuyu, Froppy). 2017 Kino no Tabi (Kino). 2021 Kumo desu ga (watashi), Kaizoku Oujo (Karin), Heike Monogatari (Biwa), etc., etc. Total of 513 roles in anime and games.
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