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Old 2007-10-12, 01:13   Link #112
The Northern Guy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Age: 40
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Well it was good and a nice twits to the start off. However hitting the reset button on Shana and Yuji was a "awww come on moment" hopefully it will get unrested soon.

As for not leaving i kinda got a him from that at the end of season 1 when they left for school. but staying put isn't a dumb move either. I mean they have 3 flame haze's in the city and that one tunning boy in the near area. Plus they still have access to Friage magic citymap. And 3 humans to help out in some way. Plus is seems that Yuji can wield the super heavy sword. So i don't think he will be as defenseless, from back lien support to front line combat. Would be the first time a mystes engaged in battle. Remember were Shane got her sword from?

BTW WTH does "de arimasu" mean???? wilhelmina keeps saying at the end of every sentence. It's annoying hopefully she wont get to many lines this time around.
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