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Old 2007-10-15, 15:20   Link #14
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: The town where Copernicus was born.
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Fenrir_valindri View Post
Especially considering that Teresa claimed normal yoma had caused her injuries...pfff yeah right.
Not injuries but messed up clothes :P.
These stats are only inexact estimations of power. Inexact because for example Ophelia's first three stats (youki, strength, agility) which were all A allowed her to win against SS Female AB. 1 quite strong warrior + 2 average + 1 weak warrior managed to kill SS male awakened being, Teresa S/A warrior easily killed SSS+ Awakened Being (or even stronger, Duph was SSS+/SSS warrior).
Also when estimating these stats they had to compare to sth (maybe themselves ), so the question is Alicia's power is S relative to whom ? Don't think they had an eye such good as Galatea in Teresa's era so direct measurement was impossible I think.

As for Teresa, she may have hid her hand from the Organization, but judging by the 3rd data book, they were well aware of many things that we did not believe they knew about, they even know about Clare's 4-limbed Partial-awakening judging by the data book.
Can't agree with You on that simply because if organization knew Teresa's real potential they would not send Claymores 2-5 but waited until Priscilla evolved and then tried to kill her. Losing 4 most powerful warriors to kill one is illogical and assuming that MiB aren't stupid they didn't know the depth of Teresa's power.

Last edited by Gooral; 2007-10-15 at 15:21. Reason: Sassarai - didn't see Your post. I've written this independently :D
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