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Old 2007-10-23, 18:56   Link #16
Gotta kill 'em all!
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Denmark
seems a bit strange. Aint all of Narutos popularity in the west, because of fansubs? I mean... fansubs is what made it possible. and now many import the anime and manga, and watch it and buy all the hundreds of games. all because of nameless fansubbers?

the anime marked in the west is relatively small. many people dont know what it is. particularly in europe. expousure through online channels will only sell the messege, and eventually turn enough people around.

remember that more people wanna be on the net than they wanna watch tv. its the evolution, no matter what.

and hopefully they will release that. people will buy what they really like, so if they take it seriously, it will sell, and pay off in the long run i think.

fansubbers are doing the anime world a favor. expousure!
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