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Old 2007-11-01, 14:22   Link #56
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2006
ANN has Lucky Star listed as licensed! Whee! I could buy the DVDs when they come out. If only I had a decent amount of money! Now that the license is true, I shall speculate the english cast (these are MY suggestions of the cast. Some might have a 50% chance of coming true)

Konata - Wendee Lee (I can see her as Konata)
Kagami - Kari Wahlgren or Kate Higgins
Tsukasa - Hynden Walch (She does Starfire in Teen Titans!) or Tabitha St. Germain (she RULES as Pucca!)
Miyuki - Stephanie Sheh, Michelle Ruff or Dorothy Fahn

They have Hynden Walch doing Emiri in Suzumiya Haruhi. What do you think? You wanna speculate? Then do so!
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