Thread: Licensed D.Gray-man (Season 2)
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Old 2007-11-11, 09:20   Link #1531
User of the "Fast Draw"
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Gotta be grateful for Miranda. Able to bring a bit of humor into a pretty bleak situation. Plus Lavi getting some salt water into his wounds and then getting beaten to a pulp by Panda. Maybe can't offset all that's happened but does a nice job making you smile.

All everyone knows are the dark facts. Seeing Suman die and what happened to Allen. Not certain from what Won said whether he's alive or whether they are simply holding onto his corpse. At least thanks to Bookman there is some hope for Allen being alright.

It was the best thing for Allen to meet up with Tyki alone. Anyone else there would've been taken out anyways and would've added to the situation. This guy could take out teams of exorcists so Lenalee wouldn't have mattered. Course that realization doesn't make things suddenly easier to handle.
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