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Old 2007-11-14, 04:54   Link #628
Crazy Devout Fanboy
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: 1st Ra Cailum-class battleship Ra Cailum, port-side officer's bunks
Originally Posted by Tak View Post
Damn right it is. And think of all the cool accessories that followed GSD even after the latter had wrapped in 2005! I am still feeling the after-taste for crying out loud!

Personally, I'd think the best time to air another Gundam would be, at a minimum, every three years. Yes, I do realize Bandai has a tendency to do a Gundam almost every year until recently, so to keep things fresh, I watch some and then I don't watch some.

Hell, Macross makes a show every five years, and each time they do it, they kept the franchise fresh.

- Tak
2 years isn't quite so fast when you consider, as you yourself agree, they aired Gundams back-to-back for several years. It's what got GX killed, and Sunrise has obviously learned their lesson. And it was actually 10 years ago when they stopped doing Gundams back-to-back with GX, so it wasn't quite so recent. OVAs don't count because they aren't 50+ episode productions.
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