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Old 2007-12-03, 02:42   Link #129
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
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Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Ascaloth View Post
Watched the Conclave-Mendoi sub of Episode 9.

I'm not too hot on the way Sunrise suddenly shifted into the events of Episode 9 from Episode 8, without any clear plot linkage between the two episodes. They simply didn't give enough time to show Sergei planning the whole shebang he cooked up for the Gundam capture mission, or in fact the entire buildup to the current happenings in general.

Otherwise, a fairly decent episode. A nice dose of character development, and for once, an actual semblance of battle tactics instead of the typical Gundam-pWning-grunts scenarios. And at the end, a decently-done cliffhanger that leaves one wanting to know what happens next. Not much actual action, on the other hand, but since this is a lead-up episode, I don't mind that much.

This episode was decent; at the very least, a lot better than the travesty that was Episode 8. I only wished they had used Episode 8 as the buildup to this episode, instead of the utterly pointless Setsuna-meets-Marina plothax that it was. Enough for a 7/10.
There have been battle tactics already for both sides, it's just that Celestial beings had both better preparation and vastly superior equipment. In almost all scenarios they have used to elements of surprise, position and teamwork to overwhelm the opposition.

When the group hasn't followed the planned scenario is when they've run into trouble, like with Setsuna breaking off to engage Ali and struggling, eventually having Lockon stop the fight resulting in a tie (who knows what the result would have been otherwise). Also there was Kyrios breaking off to help the falling colony block and requiring quick assistance from Lockon to succeed. In fact if Sergei had wanted to then, he and his group could have easily roughed up Kyrios and captured it in it's position.

I agree though, it's nice to see the other side show they can do the same as well and not just play the defensive role.
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