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Old 2007-12-04, 08:24   Link #202
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Originally Posted by Ascaloth View Post
I was thinking about the plot of this episode again, and I thought about something; why does Sumeragi feel the need to engage Sergei's task force, again? Especially if you're not at full battle readiness due to your only several combat-capable units in the midst of maintenance, and especially, with the h4x machinery that is the GN Drive, you should have more than enough horsepower to outrun any pursuer...I would think that a wise commander would run and live to fight another day, instead of committing scarce resources to a battle where she has already lost the initiative. I'm not seeing the point of the diversion at all.

And even if Sergei's forces catch them there like they did in this episode, Sumeragi would have had an easier job of it; just sortie Virtue, and have Tieria point his cannons at the satellites. A clear message if there ever was one; "gtfo or I'll blast your whole federation back to the stone age!" Virtue certainly has the guns to put some serious hurt on the HRL's energy generating capabilities, and I'm sure even Sergei wouldn't risk that.

Well, that's just how I see it. Of course, I probably missed a few details there; anyone want to point out what I might have missed?
IMHO a couple of factors were involved to make Sumeragi take that course of action: Possible overconfidence by Sumeragi on the Gundam's abilities and her own tactical planning, which has allowed them to accomplish 60 successful missions in the past, and the fact that the threat was detected too late.

Also, had they actually suceeded in thwarting HRL's plans here, it would setback the HRL's efforts by a few notches, which would be more beneficial in the long run than simply running.

As for threatening the Solar Energy Rings... so far, Celestial Being has not shown any inclination to do anything of the sort, as in holding something for ransom. They attack when provoked, and when there's a percieved imminent threat, but we've never seen CB threaten civilians and important infrastructure just to get out of sticky situations.

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