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Old 2007-12-06, 01:19   Link #83
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
Another dramatic episode in the series of Myself;yourself. I felt at the beginning that the episode was going kind of slow until the school incident scene. The episode only got better from here on out. The one scene that got a huge responsive chord out of me initially was when Shuu started rampaging in the class room. I thought originally that I wouldn't feel much for the twins' situation, but this episode proved my character prejudice to be false. Somehow this series has been delivering more to me than Clannad which is odd...

I do agree that the series has been a bit inconsistent with the drama, and other things.


And so it appears that the grandma isn't really providing a real backstory... so far.

Ah, once again this episode proves without a doubt that Sana's story is going to be the worst of all the main characters. He can't even feel well enough to stand when he sees a bloody knife.

I rated this episode a 9/10 because it managed to do a lot with plot development, and got me a bit responsive to the characters emotionally. Things, especially by looking at the preview, don't seem to be pointing in a happy ending direction.
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