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Old 2007-12-18, 00:17   Link #47
self-proclaimed otaku
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: toronto
Age: 38
A whole ep dedicated to preparation for school festival lol Even slice-of-life series like Azumanga goes through the entire event in one ep. The phase has definitely gotten much slower and there are just too many unnecessary scenes.
What a surprise that reiji maigo was actually created by Pheles, a tomogara. If she's actually that strong, who could have defeated her. I hope that they will go deeper into that.
Other than the meeting with Wilhelmina, everything shown this ep is pretty much repeating the same things. Margery drinking, the eye-always-close guy blushing with the red-haired girl, Shana and Yoshida thinking about Yuuji without doing anything about it, and Yuuji just have no interest in woman or rather loli. Pretty much the same formula without any worthy development.
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