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Old 2008-01-02, 08:07   Link #871
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Originally Posted by Malintex_Terek View Post
What's this, people are expressing disappointment that Yuuji isn't Shana's first love! Before I read all posts responding to what cnnydz said I figured this might happen.

Whoever the folks in the picture are, it can be said that it's doubtful this story of Shakugan no Shana would focus on Yuuji if Shana had other boyfriends in the past. I don't know the identity of that fellow, but perhaps he's another Flame Haze that seems to take a liking to her who died? There don't seem to be many Flame Haze around Shana's age.
I don't think anyone's disappointed about that, so much as it's the fact that it doesn't make sense how she would be so naieve and whatnot if she had been in a relationship before, eg asking where babies come from, not knowing what romantic feelings are.

It's the fact that it creates a huge plothole that bothers me at least (Unless those points are addressed, which I'm not getting my hopes up about).

Another matter which comes out inconsistent from my point-of-view as well is Alastor's whole attitude before the phone conversation... I mean, if this has happened before, how do we explain that? Only justification I can think of is if this guy died and Alastor didn't want her to go through that again, but I have no way of really knowing unless someone would be so kind as to give us some more information instead of just showing us a picture like that and leaving only one sentence.

Last edited by Mukki; 2008-01-02 at 08:11. Reason: Added a bit more.
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