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Old 2008-01-08, 08:34   Link #41
Moving in circles
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Singapore
Age: 49
Originally Posted by Spectacular_Insanity
Take this online poll. It will line you up with the candidate that you best support.
Oooo, fun. I've got Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Chris Dodd, all Democrats, in joint first. Apparently, I disagree with Clinton and Obama on social security (should it be privatised? yes), line-item veto (allow? why not? it makes it easier to pass a bill) and education (should teachers be paid based on students' performance? sometimes, I think it's a good idea).

Originally Posted by ApostleOfGod
First things first, I'm not even American myself, but I'm very interested in the whole issue, and it IS a worldly hot topic after all.
Shh.....don't give them any ideas. I'd like to stop watching movies like Armageddon that make it look as though the whole world depends on Uncle Sam to save us. Frankly, the world would more often prefer to be left alone.

That said, when I had to put in a zip code for the poll, 90210 was the only one I can think of, no thanks to the influence of American soft power. -.-

I'm inclined to vote Hillary Clinton. She is a known quantity, and a safe pair of hands with considerable political experience, in my opinion. More importantly, she knows people, and is thus more likely to pull the strings that matter to get things done. I don't know how a political newcomer like Obama is going to do that.

I don't feel comfortable with Obama. I can understand why he appeals to young voters, especially idealistic college students, but I see him as nothing more than a collection of well-chosen soundbites. In other words, all flair, no substance. I wouldn't trust him to be the Commander-in-Chief of the world's most powerful military forces.

Anyways, why do I care about the US Elections? I don't get to vote. But it's a spectacle to behold, and it ultimately results in tragedy for the rest of the world to bear. For those reasons at least, I guess I should at least pay attention and find out who on earth this Ron Paul is. I keep coming across his name in this forum.

Last edited by TinyRedLeaf; 2008-01-08 at 11:39. Reason: It's embarrassing that I spelt Hillary's name incorrectly.
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