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Old 2008-01-08, 16:09   Link #10
Join Date: Nov 2007
Sorry I just have to chip in here. Naruto being stronger then Kakashi is a total line of bull.

Look back at the bell exam. Kakashi told them to come as if they were to kill him. And what happened? The combined forces of Naruto & Sakura couldn't even hit him once. Not even close. A lame cop out of oh I'm going to spoil the ending for you in your favorite book was used so that Naruto & Sakura could get the bell.

What's changed since then? Seriously think about it. Naruto added a wind element to his rasengan. Big woop. He's not smarter then Kakashi, he's not faster then Kakashi, hell the only thing he has going for him, is that he has more stamina & chalkra. I suppose he could try to use his demon fox, but Kakashi has paper seals made specificly to prevent that from happening.

Not only that but even going back to the bell exam, Kakashi never even used his MS. He was just toying with the two of them. Anyone that actually thinks Naruto could take on Kakashi is seriously deluded. Yea Kishi may want you to belive that. But there's no way in hell he can prove that. Even Deidra himself said, taking out Naruto wouldn't be a problem. It was Kakashi he was worried about. The whole thing with Kakuza was also stupid as hell. And in fact Naruto would of probablly died just the same as Kakashi, if they took him on, one on one. It required Yamato, to pull Naruto away from Kakuza the first time around, so he wouldn't get his @$$ handed to him.
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