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Old 2008-01-08, 16:50   Link #52
Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: Toronto
Hmm.. This is getting quite interesting indeed.
I think it's important and great that people are expressing their opinions here, so thanks to those who did that .

In the case of Al Gore, he is known for a couple of things. He might have been President for the 2000-2004 Presidency if there was no *Republicans order a recount of votes in Florida (someone confirm this)*, and somehow Bush ends up winning that last state instead of Al Gore, who was first announced as the winner. Thus, he became the Vice President, someone who has no influence IMO, yet stands right under the President. He also went on to pick up some strong environmental views, and I do agree that he has good views for the country, and even on a global scale basis.
However, for those who watched an Inconvenient Truth and heard the numerous testimonies from various scientists may realize that although his intent was for the common good, his facts (such as the overgrowing global warming rate) which predict the meltdown of Greenland and the North Pole within the next few decades or so, may have been a little overexaggerated. I personally believe him, and because I know not much about this, I won't judge. But Al Gore is someone that isn't to be taken lightly IMO. He means business. I just don't know what he has planned for Presidency, because I see him more as a hardcore environmentalist now than a President.

As for Private Affairs staying out of Political affairs. This is similar to the case of atheists or non believers saying "Keep religion out of state", but honestly speaking, this is Inevitable. A person leading a country with 300,000,000+ people is unlikely to be able to satisfy each and every individual of the 300 million + individuals. I disagree when it comes to private affairs and political affairs, because when someone is making a big political decision, what are they essentially doing? They are making a decision based on their own personal conscience which has formed throughout many years of life experiences. Simply put, a rich person who has never seen a homeless person in his life, and lived in luxury all throughout his life, as opposed to a person who has acted upon, helped, and was charitable to those who are in desperate needs will have different feelings for the less fortunate. A person's political life is just ONE aspect of their Private life. Ultimately, that means that the Political aspects are bound to be influenced by other aspects. Everyone has reasons for their own beliefs, do they not? But we do not know the reason for every person's beliefs, unless they are brought forth to us, the people. So I do think that a person's private affair, their issue, and their character, every aspect of a person, WILL affect a person's view on things. This idea is not mine, but it's just the way things work. It's not easy to turn a blind eye to something that makes you who you are. And thus, if we simply say that private life or affairs should not have any relevance to the political life or affairs of a person, we are not being sympathetic or empathetic, and I personally think such requests are unreasonable.

There are two ways to live life.

One is to live life as if nothing is a miracle.

The other way is to live life as though everything is a miracle.
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