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Old 2004-03-20, 01:38   Link #173
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Totally in Japan.
Originally Posted by CommS007
And go Lee, maybe Gai was sacrificed (~o_o)~
I was waiting anxiously for a translation, so I didn't bother to think about this for the 1/2 second necessary to critique it...people have put forth the crazy suggestions that either Orochimaru is disguising himself as Rock, (So NOT what is going on.) or that Guy sacrificed himself in some sort of life transfer...reverse metempsychosis, if you will.

I don't know why people didn't combins the two, and come up with the far more plausible solution...wait for it...

It's GUY in disguise.

It'd explain why they're calling him the Green Beast, it'd explain his different manner of speech, it'd explain why Kimimaro is actually worried about this fight, it'd explain why he didn't tell Naruto he was ok, it'd explain the speed at which he got there, and the state his body's in.

Even further, Guy has a reason to do so. Guy said if the surgery didn't work out...he'd sacrifice his own life for Lee's nindo. What better way to do it than AS LEE? Fighting as Lee, and gaining reputation for Lee...showing people his path. Of course, it'll only work for so long...

So, while it still is a dark horse conspiracy theory, at least back one that makes sense in terms of continuity.

That's not a Man you're fighting Kimimaro...

It's a GUY, Baby!
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