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Old 2008-01-18, 17:44   Link #299
Vividly Vivio
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Over there
Age: 40
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I don't mind the so much "I liked it" one liners, those are good too. I mean the people who just rant and rant and rant about..nothing. here's an example. I wrote a story about a girl teaching a guy how to kiss. and this is the review I got
Spoiler for this is just sad:

...WTF!? and it's a signed review so I can't get it taken down.

but anyway, as to Nanoha ones. This one really bothers me. (a review on latest SbtB chapter
Spoiler for .....:

I just hate being talked to like I'm in some military camp (every review is like that). And the first review I got from him I thought "hey a military guy?" So I checked his profile and it seems to be a young teen who likes First person shooters. I messaged him and asked not to be given reviews like that ( my dad is a retired marine. ) because it kinda offended me. Well, he's still going strong. I'm happy he likes my stories, I really am... but man, can he just be a little better on respecting my wishes or offering some advice that doesn't sound like a drill sergeant?

And no, the people here are great. Specially you riddly ^^
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