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Old 2008-01-31, 01:07   Link #12
Zu Ra
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Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Mortuary : D
Bleach 308 Kubo Interview

Credits : Melodymix

Hiya. There was an interview with KT on chapter 307 and I have translated a part of it. I already posted it on the IchiRuki FC but I thought I might post it here as well.

About the character. 1 Until Ichigo and Rukia were made

Okay, let’s ask about this months topic “Characters”. First of all, let’s start with our main characters Ichigo and Rukia

“The first Ichigo I drew wore glasses. He wore glasses and had black hair * laugh *
He also had kind eyes… and it looks like a different person from the Ichigo we have now”

Is it true that Rukia’s design was decided before Ichigo’s design?

“Before the story was decided a Shingami uniform popped up into my mind. Unlike the design we have now it was like a uniform from Catholic school where they wore a black jacket over a white blouse with a black bowtie… and they carried a huge scissors. I thought that was what Shinigami was like. After that, to match Rukia’s design I changed Ichigo’s character design. Like Rukia had black hair so it’s best if Ichigo didn’t have black hair.”

Cedits : Kaya

I would love to share with everyone here with my own SJ's issue about Kubo's interview. I think everyone should read this as this interview is such a treasure and Kubo is such a darling here. In here, Kubo shown us how he works from drawing nemu to the final process, his workplace and his ipod. He is such a lover for music and a BIG inspiration to his works.

I am sorry I couldn't provide complete translations now as my japanese is not good enough, but I'm sure someone is going to provide translations later. I have to thank you first! :hug

I dedicated this to to debbiechan TEH LOVER, and to everyone who loves Kubo and Bleach dearly.

The pictures are big so please click them for larger pictures.

On page 2: Kubo Tite's one week work's schedule

Sunday-Tuesday: he will work with his helpers on original sketches(inking)
By Tuesday night,he must completed everything and pass to typesetter to do the words.

is his rest day and doing on random chores(color spreads,SJ promotion etc.)

Thursday to Saturday is his story paneling. They called those pre-sketches, "nemu" (not our nemu XD)

Sunday: More works.

Page 3(The box with ipod's pic)
The ideas are born from music?
  • BLEACH THEME MUSICS- Characters' themes
  • Espada, Fraccion and some Arrancar- their themes, for HM people
  • Kill Me Music- battle musics
  • Kiss Me Music- for tear-jerking part
  • Soul Society Commanders and sub commanders- their themes, for SS people
Anytime the music suits the styles he wants, he just add into his ipod, even western musics. Most of his titles are western musics' title, for example:
Chapter 297: "King of the Kill" is by Annihilator

The ipod is really in Jet-black.

EDIT: Page 1 brief translation
On his workplace
Kubo has an impressive and neat studio. His helpers work on the 1st floor and up the spiral stairs, his table is on 2nd floor.
"When my helpers are not around, I will move to 1st floor as working on the 2nd floor is kinda lonely.*laugh*" said Kubo.

Kubo will put little small accessories and arranged them so colorfully for his copic markers(see page 4, upper left picture. 200 copic markers!:yell I only owned 26 and they already cost me $200. )
"For the things I use, basically, I would pick clean, neat designs. For my manga tools, and for my furnitures too." Kubo replied.

Then a bit on how he created his manga weekly.

Page 2: MelodyMix more or less has translated everything there,except the parts how he works on his manga.

Page 3:More about characters designs

Page 4: On his Ipod and how musics inspired Bleach.

More coming up! :yay
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