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Old 2008-02-11, 15:52   Link #128
My Otome~
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Poland
Age: 36
Well - it's my second favourite anime - so I think it's very good. It's pitful for me, when some ppl think Minami-ke is better than LS (gosh - it is similar, but much worse)...

Animation Quality: 7/10
Characters: 9++/10 (Akira...)
Voice Actors: 9++/10 (Akira once again)
Script: 9/10
Editing: 9/10
Emotional Involvement: 9/10

Overall: 9+/10 (more to 10 than 9)

And also i make my choise on almost all polls on anime reactor for LS (else Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo, but we are not talking about TwKS) as the best TV series year 2007...
All interested should vote too: (only registered users can vote :/)
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