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Old 2008-02-15, 04:39   Link #202
Aya Reiko
Join Date: May 2006
Location: Shameimaru's lap
Originally Posted by Vexx View Post
I had strong hopes for Edwards but the mega-corp media considered him their enemy and he got hardly any airplay.

He got plenty of air time, especially in Iowa. He bet everything on Iowa, and he was good as dead when he didn't win the Iowa caucus because he didn't remotely have the infrastructure to compete with Hillary and Obama after Iowa. Plus his campaign manager was Joe Trippi, the same guy who ran Dean's campaign in '04 and used the exact same playbook; Rely heavily on grassroots and internet while mostly ignoring the mainstream, thinking the former will spill over onto the latter. Didn't work then, didn't work now.

And Bullshit on his message too.

Compare his Senate record to what he was saying on the campaign trail. Those two things were almost complete opposites of one another. Add the $400 haircut, the spacious mansion, and the Fortress hedge fund he worked for to the mix...
The guy was phonier than a $20 Rolex.
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