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Old 2008-02-18, 05:00   Link #19978
~ I Do ~
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Originally Posted by AdmiralTigerclaw View Post
I won't be able to sleep until I fire this one off.

While thinking about aspects of Crash's dogfight, I know he's at one point, going to come into melee combat on the ground with Fate. In which, I have him flashback to some lessons Fox has given him on close combat attributes, on the advantages of parrying, or force redirection.

Thinking about it, I can't recall a single Nanoha fight where the melee combat actually shows any counter moves, parries, force redirects, thowing, or using opponent's momentum against them.

Fate is supposed to be very good Melee fighter, but just how good do we want to put her in pure martial skill when we never see a good example of a force redirection move? There's a huge number of massive openings to be made when an opponent commits to a high force move. Such as Vita's overhead with a hammer blow... Shove it off to the side as it comes down and lay a knee (Or blade, or spell) into her stomach.
All blows I can recall are direct blocks, or full dodges. Both are physically intensive, and often wasteful.

Maybe now she'll be like what Kagerou said. Back then I suppose her kung fu wasn't enough.

Than again, 7Arcs has been rather cliche with StrikerS.
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