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Old 2008-02-18, 10:01   Link #20016
Saint X
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Well just a trial snippet to Escape from Ground Central

need initial evaluation please...

Spoiler for Escape from Ground Central: Chapter 1 Snippet:


*spots something*

*runs back*

Originally Posted by Ryand-Smith View Post
Saint X

Spoiler for WIP: Escape from Ground Central:

I do not like the metarefrences. Please, do not put (info like this) in the story, it feels bizarre reading a narrative that speaks to the reader, as that storytelling method works best on the screen, and not as a printed work. 3000 Gadgets, and a number, with AMF? That approaches low level hax, unless you approach it the same way 7arcs did with the Tia vs the Numbers battle, and always have a feel for offhandedness. This feels more like a high school comedy set in a serious situation.
I have a sudden itch to use Virtue-tan on you...

But Tiera's using it so i'm stuck with my IDS...

What kind of info?

That for the record is a preview for a WIP... and a possible line to say...

It's just my style...

Well a lot of people get confused at my style, but if you look at it closer and give it a little more imaginative action- then you will know.

And there are other people in the building... not just the Lead and shis band of classmages...

this is for a possible Rebuilt integration.

and the magic style is non-descript- so it's resistant to AMF- which only (in canon that is) affects Mid and Velka- there are still 798+ other magic forms- and there is that possibility that at least 1 is resistant to AMF.

I'll have my Dei-Type Magic canon up in a few days... be sure to take down notes in the lecture.

Last edited by Saint X; 2008-02-18 at 10:34. Reason: I'M ITCHING TO USE VIRTUE-TANNNNN~
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