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Old 2008-02-21, 20:54   Link #143
Owaranai Destiny
Nick of Time~
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Guze no Sekai
Age: 37
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Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
We all know Yuji is going to leave to protect everyone and everything thats in the city, he's just disassociating himself to make the transition easier.
Which isn't true, in his case. I don't know if Chigusa's suddenly sickness applies as a plot device for him to start having doubts about leaving the city, but it's there. He's disassociating himself to the extent of being too abrupt. He's making things easier for himself. What he doesn't know is that he's doing it in such a way that hurts others close to him.

And you know Yuji took the bento's because he didn't want to hurt her feelings, he resolved himself in this episode to finally stop leading Kazumi along, he knows he doesn't care for her in that fashion, otherwise he would've returned her feelings a long time ago. How he went about it was wrong though. He should've told her straight out that he doesn't love her, it would've made things a little easier.
It's as though the recent events gave him an opportunity to reject her, but he botched it. His first instinct was to the responsibility about the city, and coupled with the fact that he simply rejected her bento when accepting it the day before made it too abrupt. Who wouldn't be angry, even if for a little bit?
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