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Old 2008-03-01, 15:53   Link #455
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: In Maya world, where all is 3D and everything crashes
Age: 36
Higurashi.. saw the first few episodes when it started airing but i wasnt hooked..
Gurren Lagann..
Spoiler for for reason:

Bleach, i hate the bleach anime now.. i still read the manga but its always the same.. power up stuff... the art even changed from what it used to be in the first season and it was the art work that i loved about it the most.. and the fillers... first bount arc then i was really excited cause the new season was starting and it was a good season and then.. fillers again!
i stopped watching after that...
Naruto probably the same.. i hate the animation now.. but Naruto mainly now because of the long talks and the constant fill it up with shots so that at the end of the episode the fighting starts, meaning another week of waiting before you get to see the action you've been waiting for...
and the year long fillers made me clean of any naruto watching since then ive never felt the addictive urge anymore to follow the anime
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