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Old 2008-03-04, 22:20   Link #724
The Dang-meister
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Age: 35
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Originally Posted by Avatar_notADV View Post
Good point, that.

Or rather, wait a second. Shouldn't every scientist on Earth be freakin' out a few days after that? Apparently sourceless earthquakes are kind of a big deal, no? (Unless you're going to argue that it was limited to the Uminari area, which would be... weird...)

On the other hand, it's entirely possible that the TSAB's in touch with a few Earth governments for precisely this sort of scenario. "Uh... yeah. There was an event yesterday, don't worry, not your fault and won't affect y'all any further... Just don't panic, 'kay?" Of course, that implies competent_TSAB, which isn't what we have.

Projectiles, huh... I don't think it'd necessarily be "illegal", but most likely "what for?" There's no need for having a physical bullet if you can summon one; there's no need for a barrel if you can accelerate a projectile without one; and a bullet-cartridge (as opposed to a Belka cartridge) can't be used for things that don't involve slinging a slug. It'd be easier to just use the cartridge to summon some bullets and fire them, and also probably more weight-efficient. One also expects bullets to be an inefficient offensive means against mages, whose barrier jackets seem to handle purely physical shock with ease.

If anything, I'd expect that sort of technology to be in the hands of guys in a unit specifically formed to counter anti-magic field conditions - i.e. RF6, right? ;p But the brass is definitely down on the concept, they're down on the idea of anti-AMF development (well, Regius is on the wrong side, duh), and Nanoha's training doesn't go in for that sort of thing either. So there's no real shock that we don't see anyone else using 'em.
I'm asking because I'm considering of creating a character who uses a system similar to Tiana's, but in a completely offensive style, using the idea of Gun Kata, as used in the movie Equilibrium. Granted that I'd have to rework it to suit the kind of world it's in, and especially since barreling in like that would be dangerous.

I'm also asking because this character would have any qualms with the aspect of actually killing, over just inflicting magical damage. What better way then to crack the head open, or pierce through it and mess around with that grey matter as the bullet richocets around in the head?

That's why I need to know what's the stance of it in terms of how the TSAB would feel if one of their own was using projectile weaponry, and also how feasible such a setup would be for that.

And mind you I'm thinking solid projectile because of my character's combat preference: Kill first, arrest later.
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