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Old 2008-03-13, 12:31   Link #1793
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
Just looking through here... forehead moe? What?

I never said that Kyon-chan would be interested in the spike thing. I actually was planning on her not having the Kyon fetish thing, but that's just me.

That scene at the end there makes Haruki look too feminine. That portrayal makes him too much like a teenage girl.

(I was going to have HIM compliment Kyon-chan on her ponytail.)

As for the Emiri thing... I think it was supposed to be Emily?

So giving him an English name would work. Like "Elliott" becoming "Erriotto" or something

Originally Posted by dkellis View Post
Itsuki does get a lot of his "camp" reputation from the fandom, mostly in how willingly he goes along with Haruhi's plans (which may involve dressing up), as well as how often he invades Kyon's personal space. In canon, he's been almost criminally underused.
Itsuki needs to be used more in canon, agreed. He's a damned interesting character, sort of a tragic philosopher.
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