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Old 2008-03-13, 15:21   Link #1817
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by Puffendahl View Post
I'm almost starting to hate having to leave the house. Whenever I do, this thread gets seven more pages for me to read in a great hurry. Also, sleeping causes the same results. I suppose I live in a very bad time zone

It's pretty amazing how much I've been drawing since I evolved from a lurker to a poster in this thread. Usually I only draw twice a week at the highest, now I've been drawing every single day... Including now

Anyway, since I noticed some talk about the headband-headphone issue arising again, I have to take a little pause and ask; which will it be? I'm trying to make a pic good enough for posting in the Baka-Tsuki illustration thread, and Haruki is in it. The current sketch has him with headphones, but if that isn't how it'll turn out, then I really shouldn't draw it. I can't afford to make any flaws, since I really hope the pic will indeed turn out good enough.

Headband, headphones, I like both, so I'm no help here. But I'd like to know the common opinion before I actually draw or ink the picture.

Thank you in advance.
I'd go with head bands, because theres a greater latitude for Kyonko's hair related fetish. I'm really interested in bare forehead moe being incorporated.
Originally Posted by Kaisos Erranon View Post
Just looking through here... forehead moe? What?

I never said that Kyon-chan would be interested in the spike thing. I actually was planning on her not having the Kyon fetish thing, but that's just me.

That scene at the end there makes Haruki look too feminine. That portrayal makes him too much like a teenage girl.

(I was going to have HIM compliment Kyon-chan on her ponytail.)
Shrugs. Forehead moe seems to be the most plausible assuming anyone does plan to do anything along those lines.
Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO View Post
just a thought.

oh here's another one, why don't you make haruki, do the flying kick, but miss. and the computer president can just faint from the near-miss explosion?

not good?


Haruki never misses
Originally Posted by ClockWorkAngel View Post
That's true, however Kyon-ko might also like genderbent Tsuruya.
Well, in the baseball game, Tsuruya had a pony tail , I find it amusing that Haruhi didn't notice that after consciously deciding not to give Mikuru a pony tail.

I'm not sure about the leroy jenkins thing. It seems odd that they'd just up and run, instead of say, screaming in terror really loudly. Maybe if Haruki manages to sneak up on them, go Leroy Jenkins, and cause computer club president to faint it would work better. Then he could complain about not being able to answer the challenge.

And I do hope that Day of Sagittarius stays a space battle. We need more Beret Kyonko, and spacial domination Haruki.
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