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Old 2004-03-30, 21:12   Link #14
Weapon of Mass Discussion
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: New York, USA
Very true. And I am not so please with how Bush actually did respond. First of all, it took him a whole week before he responded at all to 9-11. A whole week in limbo of wondering what would happen during which time the White House kept so quiet that you could only wonder if they noticed 9-11 at all... Never mind this really isn't the thread to get into this nonsense. Let's get back on topic.

The point here is that it is wrong for him to create a place to put all the protesters where they can be segregated and ignored. By doing this he manages to create a false sense of unilateral agreement with his policies. Not to mention he keeps embarassing signs out of his photo shoots so that his enemies can't get any good pictures of him in front of signs protesting him.

Free speech only being allowed "over there" isn't the same as free speech. It is only free when you can say it anywhere.

There's not that fine a line between willing suspension of disbelief and something just being stupid.
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