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Old 2008-03-26, 11:42   Link #233
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
I've always taken "flying" as being with Noe and not flying, choosing to be with Hiromi. When Raigomaru was the focus, Noe was on his mind, when Jibeta became the focus, Hiromi was on his mind. Jibeta chose not to fly, Shinchiro realized this and then comes to the conclusion that he didn't understand that not flying was his choice, not just something he couldn't do. His true strength was the choice, now he is choosing to fly, hence the refocus back on Raigomaru. Jibeta and Raigomaru just represents what side of Shinchiro's mind is winning out, like some sort of mental battle.

Although in the book Jibeta is trying to fly at some point, this was just showing how Shinchiro thought not flying was his destiny. Raigomaru was spurred back up by the crashing down of realization as he witnessed what Jibeta truly was.

The last part is the weakest of my interpretation.
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