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Old 2008-03-26, 16:23   Link #240
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by AznSoulBoy View Post
I don't know how u could think that far recentlessflame. How much time did it take? LOL
It's been like 2 years I knew u and u always surprise me with ur arguments.
Well, thanks, but it's been far too long. A lot of other people in this thread have been three steps ahead of me already! Seriously, though, the fact that so many people seem to believe we're heading for a Noe ending after episode 12 has had me seriously perplexed since Saturday. I really wanted to know if I've just been blind all this time for some reason (and it isn't particularly because I like one of the girls over the other - on the surface, I wouldn't mind an ending with either girl), or if there's some little tidbit I was missing. I knew the answer had to be in Episode 12, and it took me a good 4 or 5 hours (at home, in bed, on the bus, at work... ) to figure out what was being said and what it might mean (even though it came instinctively to some people). And as vio said, I still can't be 100% sure until they complete the story in episode 13. And, like I said, I really don't think it has anything to this with this massive shipping war that brewed around here; it's about Raigomaru and Jibeta; it's about Noe, Shinichirou, Hiromi, and Aiko; it's about flying and crying; it's about what it means and what it takes to finally release one's True Tears. That's a powerful picture, and much more interesting than "the final score".

I'm very much against the idea, so frequently quoted these days, that "this is anime -- anything can happen!" All stories have a logic that can be followed, and the clues are always there if we're attentive enough. If we don't see the way the story's going, that just means we aren't perceptive enough. At least, that's the way I choose to look at it. To me, watching anime is about understanding the story the writers are trying to convey and appreciating the characters they so carefully created. That's why I won't be contented until I understand exactly what the anime's been trying to say all this time -- thankfully, it won't be long until the anime answers that question itself.

Anyway, I digress... back to the discussion!
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