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Old 2008-04-11, 12:50   Link #259
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by KrimzonStriker View Post
I'll contest to the first point that I already acknowledged the physical obstacles between them, case in point the kidnapping. But what you're asserting is an emotional barrier that has not been proven to exist, especially since she and Lelouch reached out to one another crying before she was taken away.

When I said not moving I meant in location wise, and possibly emotion wise as well from what little indication we have, and if we incorporate all the lyrics then location wise is being worked on while the emotions of caring and protecting her are still there for Lelouch, he's maintained that reasoning up to now and more then ever it is his core motivation, something that has not changed, at least in that respect.
Your sentence contradicts itself (see: bold). I'm not sure how you can tell me that the two have no drifted apart. What you said does nothing to counter the point that they no longer know each other. Nunally no longer knows her brother; he wears a mask when he's with her, and she with him. So I'm going to go out on a limb and say that the emotional barrier has been proven.

It does matter what his motivation is, the person he is is changing. The person that Nunally knew is Lelouch Lamperouge, not Lelouch Vi Britannia, and not Zero.

Also, the lyrics do not imply the location being worked on. The two of them are quickly being pulled apart.

The rest is irrelevant to this discussion. Though I will say this: many of your arguments depend to heavily on ifs. Its not an argument if the word if appears everywhere.
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