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Old 2008-04-12, 19:59   Link #138
Captain Spyro
Captain of the Dragonfury
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: West Virginia, Country Roads!
Age: 38
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Animation Quality: 8

Simply put, the animation does not have to be great or whatnot, it just has to fit what the show is trying to portray. Overall, the animation style isn't overly detailed, but I believe that is the way it should be. It just feels...fitting, especially with all of the colors involved.

Voice Actors: 10

Spot on. The voice actors made their respective characters feel alive. What more can I ask for?

Script: 8

Not perfect, but it was a fun ride. When I looked at comments on the first few episodes, I was surprised, but I will agree it got better around episodes 5 & 6.

Editing: 9

Was fine, as far as I can tell. However, like with Higurashi and Claymore, there is not much I can say about it.

Emotional Involvement: 10

When sheer hilarity fits with other everyday emotions, you know something is being done right. I especially want to point to the episode (episode 20 or 21, I think) where we were greeted by Kanata's spiritual presence. That entire scene was touching, but funny at the same time. I love a series that can do something like that.

Overall, I enjoyed the ride with Konata, Kagami, Tsukasa, and Miyuki. From the little bits of it I saw in AMV Hell IV, I had a feeling I would enjoy it. I did, immensely. I now await the US DVD release. Lucky Star will be the first series I will follow through DVD release. Sure, I've bought anime DVDs in the past (Escaflowne, Lodoss, and Outlaw Star), but this will be the first time I will follow the series as it is released.

Overall, 9 out of 10.

-Once again, I can relate to Kuroi-sensei. Apparently, I was auto-logged out and I hit submit. Boy, glad my message was still here or I'd be in bed with tears.
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