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Old 2008-04-13, 09:46   Link #122
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Guppy View Post
Keep in mind, though, that even if Kallen realised that was when he Geassed her, the resulting memory loss leaves her no way of knowing exactly what Lelouch commanded her to do while she was under.

Well, sort of. Kallen replied that she wanted to believe him, not that she actually did.

I think Lelouch's subsequent actions are helping ease her suspicions, though - particularly when he told Urabe he was wrong to say that the Black Knights were expendable in the cause of helping Zero escape, and just sacrificing subordinates wouldn't bring victory over Britannia. (For extra points, he lent her his jacket, and clearly wasn't happy about Kallen throwing herself in front of him in that last face-off with Vincent.)
Kallen never realized she'd been Geassed. It was for such a short amount of time and about something so insignificant that there's really little chance for her to remember something like that. She could very well have thought she had spaced out.

Kallen said: Shinjiru dakara dorei ni natta de mo. Or something along those lines. She said she believes in him. She later followed with Zero, implying that he has to show her that he is truly the same person, or some such.
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