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Old 2008-04-13, 10:14   Link #127
Join Date: Jun 2007
Location: Land of Dead Cakes!
Age: 34
Originally Posted by Guppy View Post
I understand your points, but my interpretation differed slightly. If I'm hearing it correctly, the conversation went:

Lelouch: Shinjirarenai ka?
Kallen: Shinjitai. Dakara, dorei ni natte demo...
Lelouch: Sou ka.
Kallen: Demo! Watashi ga shinjiru no wa Zero yo. Lelouch, anta nanka ja nai.

So she starts by saying that she wants to believe him, then emphasises that the one she believes in is Zero, not Lelouch. I interpreted the second statement as conditional on the first ("I want to believe you - but even if I do, I can only believe in Zero, not Lelouch") as opposed to modifying the first ("I want to believe you... okay, I've decided I'll believe you, but only as Zero, not Lelouch"). I just didn't see any sign from Kallen that she was actually stopping to make such a serious decision in mid-conversation.

On the face of it, Kallen's statement that she's prepared to trust Zero but not Lelouch makes no sense - she knows that they're the same person, and it would be ridiculous to think she could actually treat them as different.

My interpretation is that she was laying down the limits of their new relationship - she's prepared to follow him and his publicly espoused ideals "professionally" when he's Zero, but she can't trust him personally as Lelouch.
I'd have agreed with your assesment of the situation had the conversation been more consistent in timing, but there are two pauses before and after 'sou ka', as well as other sporadic pauses. I assumed that this was when she was making a decision of sorts. In normal conversation a pause like that, with the tone of voice, would usually imply that the person is in thought as they speak.

She distinguished them before, I think its more a line of "Show me your the same man". She wants to be certain that they are in fact the same. There is a difference between them, one was an untouchable idol, while the other was just a student. She needs to be reaffirmed just who Zero is.
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