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Old 2004-04-07, 02:15   Link #13
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2004
Originally Posted by Roots
Hmm, I've always been kinda interested in paintball but never got into it. I heard its an expensive hobby. Can you guys answer some newb questions?

1) What is all this historical role-play scenario? Do you re-enact real battles kill for kill?

2) What's the difference between this paintball/rubber pellet/airsoft stuff?

3) How painful is it getting hit? Do you bleed, or is just like a scratch?

I'm sure more newb stuff is to come later
1) Based on modern history, but more 'for fun'. For instance we did a civil war scenario where everyone took the hoppers off their gun and single-loaded rounds. Some people had costumes. It was just funny because we all got in lines and did goofy things you don't normally do in ordinary play... each line had one 'general' who would yell 'load! aim! fire!' just like in the old civil war movies. The latest hit scenario group we did was based on the intifada (israeli vs. palestinian) where one side played the IDF and the other was split between 3 terrorist groups who competed for different objectives. See:
You always want resurrection in a scenario; scenarios are based on objectives (like bombing or protecting a school bus); so in this way a scenario is more like an ongoing game that lasts many hours rather than being over in 15 minutes. Many scenarios have different types of 'players' like soldier, terrorist, human shield, etc.

Roleplay means that you 'play' a real person, ie. you dress as they would dress, you say what they would say, you have whatever motives for fighting that they have, etc. Like if you're 'playing' the taliban you dress up like they would, you wear long beards, you fight / 'die' like they would, etc.

2) Pretty much what everyone above said, except, the true cost in paintball comes from the paint. EVIL is about $60.00 / 2000 rounds, Cheaper (but usable) paints are $40.00 / 2000 rounds. Airsoft BBs are much cheaper than this. If you don't learn to conserve your ammo paintball can become very expensive.

3) It depends on the range and style of play. It can hurt if you are not used to pain and you get hit up close. Paintball is limited to 300fps or sometimes less, airsoft is generally limited to between 350-400fps.
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