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Old 2008-04-24, 16:28   Link #14
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Onizuka-GTO View Post


my macross....



i tolerated one in Macross 7 dynamite, because macross 7 isn't a series to be taken seriously,!

i knew something was strange....when i saw that shouta!


im not watching this until subs come out....i've got initial disappointment about this...this....
i already want to murder the shouta for even being in this, i'll have to reserve judgement on the loli.
Well as I said last time, I had a feeling Kawamori was going out there on us again starting with the scene in the shelter. There's nothing to say that the character is going to be awful by default, but it certainly is another point towards the less serious as I mentioned the show was heading for. I've already decided to start taking this series less seriously then I have been and it looks like said expectation shift is about to be tested.

If Gundam 00's sidestory is able to get away with having a Cat-Loli Haro then I think Macross Frontier can have a loli Zentradi barring the obvious bizareness of her transformation. It looks every bit like the character is there to fill the fetish as no matter how I look at it, a Zentradi that turns into a loli when micronized doesn't make a whole lot of sense even if it's supposedly a genetic flaw of some kind (I don't think genetics work that way unless there's a pseudo-science explanation behind it in the shows universe). Millia never got younger when micronized and neither did any other Zentradi so it seems like it's a plot element regarding the process that has just been introduced out of the blue.

So basically there's only one choice here for me, either wait to see if it's explained and if it is then welcome the new character, but if it isn't there's going to be some problems here.
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